On June 19-21, 2022, a study visit of employees of Spółka Wodna „Łeba” took place in Norway in order to familiarize themselves with the implementation of co-fermentation technology with biodegradable waste, fish, fats and catering – kitchen waste.
As part of the meeting, consultations took place in the following places:
biogas plant (Romerike biogas plant, Miljøparkvegen 105, 2160 Vormsund)
waste sorting plant (Haraldrud utsorteringsanlegg Brobekkveien 87, 0582 OSLO).
During consultations at the biogas plant, we were familiarized with the technology of fermentation of biodegradable waste (mainly kitchen waste). The issue of purity of introduced waste was raised, including, among others, packaging waste, impurities in the form of stones, glass, metals, plastics. During consultations at the waste sorting plant, thanks to a multimedia presentation, we were familiarized with waste management in Oslo (waste sorting plant, points for residents, composting plant, biogas plant, waste incineration plant).
The visit of the employees of Spółka Wodna „Łeba” together with the employees of the AQUATEAM COWI institute in Norway allowed for the exchange of experiences at their workplace, which will result in the implementation of our joint project.