Całkowity koszt realizacji projektu: 7 574 888,00 PLN
Wartość dofinansowania: 799 152,07 EUR
Nr projektu NORW.19.01.01-22-0003/20
Operatorem Programu jest Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości

"Wspólnie działamy na rzecz Europy zielonej, konkurencyjnej i sprzyjającej integracji społecznej”

Meeting with the Mayor of the City of Łeba and representatives of the City Council on June 23, 2022.

On June 23, a meeting with the Mayor of Łeba and representatives of the City Council took place. During the meeting, Spółka Wodna „Łeba” presented detailed information on the investment, i.e. technological assumptions, communication and promotion of the project, the value of co-financing, investment costs and answered numerous questions.
An important point of the meeting was a visit to the construction site to preview the progress of works. Thank you very much for the meeting.

Information and promotion meeting at the Fishermen’s Center of Culture and Formation Boleniec in Łeba on July 18, 2022.

On July 18, 2022 at At 16.00 in the Fisheries Center of Culture and Formation Boleniec in Łeba, the first opening meeting of the project on „Biogas not only for sludge” took place. During the meeting, the investment objectives of the project, the level of innovation of the subject, the stages of work advancement and the role of the Norwegian partner were discussed.
The guests of the meeting were representatives of AQUATEAM COWI AS Mrs. Renata Wandzel, Mrs. Beata Szatkowska, investment technologist Mrs. Witold Woroszyłło and the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environment and Geodesy of the Koszalin University of Technology prof. dr hab. Eng. Robert Sidełko.

Thank you very much for the presence of the inhabitants of the city of Łeba, we invite you to the next meetings.
Below is a video from the meeting.

Study visit on July 19, 2022

On July 19, 2022, Spółka Wodna „Łeba” held a study visit to the modernized sewage treatment plant.
The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to visit the construction site of the methane fermentation installation and the assumptions of the project.
Thank you very much for the meeting!

Study visit of companies dealing with the collection, transport of waste and landscaping in the city of Łeba – Gardens „Green Time” Joanna Kruszyńska, „Lukas” – Łukasz Gniedziejko on August 30-31, 2022.

On August 30-31, 2022, a study visit was held for companies dealing with the collection, transport of waste and landscaping in the city of Łeba – Gardens „Green Time” Joanna Kruszyńska, „Lukas” -Łukasz Gniedziejko. During the meeting, the companies got acquainted with the methane fermentation installation, which is unique in seaside and seasonal towns. The main idea of the meeting was to show the possibilities of managing waste other than sewage sludge.
Thank you very much for the meetings!

Study visit of a company dealing with the collection and transport of municipal waste – Sanitarno-Transportowe „Sanipol” S.C. on November 29, 2022

On November 29, 2022, a study visit of a company dealing with the collection and transport of municipal waste – Sanitarno-Transportowe „Sanipol” S.C. took place. The meeting was aimed at showing the possibilities of managing waste other than sewage sludge and the use of a new stream of waste that is burdensome for tourist destinations in the coastal belt.
Thank you very much for your visit!

Meeting with children and youth from the Primary School in Szczenurza on December 8, 2022

On December 8, 2022, a meeting was held with children and youth from the Primary School in Szczenurza, where information on the treatment plant, biogas plant and composting plant was presented in the form of slides. In addition, they had the opportunity to visit the construction of a methane fermentation unit.
During the show, a quiz was conducted to raise awareness and test knowledge in the field of renewable energy sources. Then our guests had time to ask questions and a small snack.
Thank you very much for coming and having a nice time!

Art competition „Let’s protect the environment by recovering energy

On December 13, 2022, Spółka Wodna „Łeba” announced an art competition under the slogan „Let’s protect the environment by recovering energy” in cooperation with the primary school. Adam Mickiewicz in Łeba and the primary school in Szczenurza. In total, 34 works from 2 age categories were submitted. As a result of the competition, on February 2-3, 2023, the awards ceremony was held.
Thank you very much for all the work done. Participants showed great knowledge about renewable energy sources. Each work was done with due care and ingenuity
Congratulations to the winner and we invite you to further cooperation!

Miejscem realizacji projektu jest Spółka Wodna "Łeba" w Łebie przy ul. Wspólnej 1
Projekt realizowany jest w okresie od 01.12.2021 r. do 30.04.2024 r.
Wartość dofinansowania: 799 152,07 EUR
Całkowity koszt realizacji projektu: 7 574 888,00 PLN

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